Hi! My name is Helen. I would like to start off by saying thank you for clicking on this link- I am not sure where this journey of blogging will take me but I am excited you are part of it and I am thankful for whatever the driving force was that called you to click.

A little background about myself: I am a recent graduate from grad school where I got my Masters in organizational leadership.I played on the women’s lacrosse team at my University and loved every second of it (besides the running test). I am the youngest of four and have lived in the Kansas City area my whole life. I love to be outside, laugh with friends, and dance like nobody is watching- and literally no one is because I am usually dancing by myself at night in my room with my Alexa. I have never been good at describing myself so I will leave it at that for now and hopefully through my posts you will get a better feeling of who I am.

So what is the point of this blog? I have always been someone who needs to write my feelings and thoughts out and sort of let them free. I used to always write my parents notes when I was little asking them if I could have a friend over instead of just asking them out loud. Probably my shyness but it has always been the form of communication that feels safest to me. Lately I have had a lot on my mind that I think needs to reach a bigger audience than my mom during our weekly grocery store outings. I want to bring awareness to the struggles and triumphs I have experienced in my past 23 years on earth. I have grown so much as a person but I have kept a lot of it inside of me. I am an analyzer. Sometimes I analyze something for so long it never gets out of my head. This won’t be a super scheduled or organized blog, but one that reflects me and sets my thoughts free while hopefully inspiring and supporting someone on the way. I will cover everything from being a D2 college athlete, my favorite coffee spots in KC, body image issues, disordered eating, long distance heartbreak, and life in general.

Thank you for reading this far and welcome to Here with Helen.

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