Whispering Angels

I went into my solo 10 day Colorado trip with the mindset of getting out of my comfort zone and off my phone. I saw this TikTok that said that people who walk into a room confidently and with out pretending to be looking at their phone or distracted tend to attract people. I decided to test this theory out.

Running on about 4.5 hours of sleep, I wandered around Beaver Creek, Colorado feeling very underdressed and out of place. After scoping out the nearby restraunts and deciding I could not stand to spend $45 on food that sounded too fancy to be good, I walked up to an outdoor bar and purchased a $20 Paloma. I plopped myself on a comfy outdoor couch that was placed right in front of a fire pit. There were two other couches across from me. I was simply people watching and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. After my first drink went down, I got up and purchased yet another $20 Paloma and proceeded to have a nice conversation with the bartender about her upcoming cruise. At this point I had stirred up a perfect concoction of lack of sleep and strong tequila. I facetimed my sister back in Kansas City for a few minutes when all of a sudden I felt the presence of a lot of male energy.

Sure enough a group of men order some drinks from the same outdoor bar and begin sitting down on the couch right next to me. I tell my sister I must hang up because a group of men have taken over my personal space. I place my phone in my fanny pack and look directly at the men who were still tipsy from their 18 holes of golf that day. I said, “You all can sit here if you would like. I am here by myself”. They looked at me kindly and a little surprised. Luckily the cutest one in the group asked if he could share my couch and I was like, ummmmm yeah i have been manifesting this exact moment for the past 6 months of planning this trip. The rest of them were married, and 40.

We get to talking and they are all super nice. They are from Denver and work for Anheuser-Busch, just in Beaver Creek for a business trip, a term I would soon find out to be used very loosely for these guys. We talk for about 45 minutes and one of the guys announces that their table is ready at the restaurant behind us. I figured this was when we would part ways, but they all look at me, almost simultaneously, and say “Helen, would you like to join us for dinner?” I paused, and several thoughts ran through my mind. Was this a terrible idea or about to be the funniest night I had ever had? I said Sure!

We walk over to the restaurant and proceed to have an almost 3 hour long dinner together. It was so exciting to get an inside look at what grown men talk about. It was literally sports, gambling, and who would win in a fight. The guy sitting to the right of me asked me who my top 5 NBA players were and I was like “Uh I only know the ones who have dated the Kardashians”. After that I sat back and observed as everyone got drunker and more passionate about the future of college basketball.

One guy, who obviously was the butt of most jokes and the self-proclaimed tool of the group, decided he wanted every bottle of Rosé the restaurant had available so that he could “Rosé All Day”. All of a sudden I found myself getting wine drunk with 9 random grown men on a Friday night in Beaver Creek, Colorado. The only Rosé they had was called Whispering Angels and retailed for about $18.99 a bottle, but was insanely marked up. When we got the bill, we had drank $400 worth of Whispering Angels.

After dinner I got sort of nervous about what was happening next because at this point it was 10:00pm and I needed to go home. We all stood up and walked a few feet away from our table. I looked at my new friends and they reached their hands out for a handshake and said, “Thanks for having dinner with us Helen!” and I said. “Thanks for having me, add me on LinkedIn.” as I walked away.

I wish this blog post did this story any justice, but sometimes you really just had to be there and taste the Whispering Angels yourself.

You never know what you might attract when you put your phone down.

