
It’s like my life has been a slow sunrise. The anticipation of what colors will show up, what time the sun will hit the horizon, who will I be with?

But here I am at 5:44 am in Golden, Colorado on the top of a mountain. And it’s rising. It’s beautiful and pink and orange and blue and sort of gray. And yet I feel anxious and uneasy. Like even though a sunrise marks the beginning of the new day, it also brings the previous day to an end. 

We cannot control the timing of our sunrises and sunsets. And we can’t control how we will feel when they happen. But it’s so beautiful when they keeping happening, even when you feel like you aren’t ready for the day to end or the day to begin. 

Because you can watch a sunrise with yourself and feel all the feelings, even if they aren’t pretty. Let go of the expectations of how you think you should feel and just feel. No feelings are wrong, it’s only wrong if you don’t let yourself feel them. 

Your coffee doesn’t have to be perfect. 

You might be so caught up in your head that you forget to watch it beginning to end. But either way it’s rising and you are there.


Whispering Angels


living with yourself